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Fertility Preservation

Whether you have made an active decision to delay parenthood or are about to undergo medical treatments that may affect your reproductive health, we can help you explore options to preserve your fertility for the future.

Egg Freezing

Unfertilised eggs are harvested from the ovaries after a course of hormone therapy and frozen to be fertilised and transferred in future fertility treatments.

Sperm Freezing

Sperm is collected from the semen sample or extracted directly via surgical retrieval techniques and is mixed with a protective solution, frozen and stored in sealed vials.

Embryo Freezing

Embryo freezing involves undergoing an IVF cycle where harvested eggs from the female partner are fertilised with sperm from the male partner and resulting embryos are frozen and stored.

Ovarian Cortex Freezing

This procedure involves removing a small piece of ovarian tissue, slicing it into thin sections and freezing it. The tissue slices can be thawed and grafted back into the pelvis when the patient is ready to try conceiving.

Testicular Tissue Freezing

This procedure is recommended for pre-pubescent male patients who need to preserve their fertility for medical reasons.

Cancer Fertility Preservation

Cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy can have a detrimental impact on male and female fertility and preservation techniques have to be timed in accordance with the cancer treatments.

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